
The island of saints and scholars Admin

The island of saints and scholars

The island of saints and scholars is as redundant a phrase as any other Irish cliche we choose to perpetuate. That being said, the nation’s reputation for religious devotion and high levels of literacy wasn’t fabricated by the geniuses at Carrolls Irish Gift Store. It was once true. For it to be true again, however, your command of the month coinníolach can’t help you. Modh coinníolach, mo problems.

A whole new tongue – the language of computers – will be what separates the educated from the ignorant masses of tomorrow. Understanding how to write code for computers is already becoming one of the most highly prized skill sets anyone can have in the global economy. Here’s why:

10. Code rules everything around me, cream get the money

All major tech companies, from Google to Facebook, aggressively compete to hire gifted young coders. In the Silicon Valley area, for example, some reports suggest engineering graduates from Stanford University expect their starting salary to be nothing less than $100,000-120,000.

“It’s fair to say that for school-leavers looking to maximise their potential income, few other skills open the door to as many well-paying and varied careers,” says Prof Rory O’Connor, head of the school of computing at Dublin City University.

Coding bridges the universal divide. It is the one language that connects different nationalities and countries. We live in trying times and are pummeled.

Zahid Smith
2. “We’ve only just begun [coding]” – Karen Carpenter

Programming is still in its infancy. In fact, two of the very first programming languages ever invented are still being used today: Fortran (developed in 1957) and Cobol. “This does not mean that we are using old technology,” says Josue Balandrano Coronel from the Texas advanced computing centre at the University of Texas at Austin. “Those programming languages are being used in very narrow contexts. Even so, this shows us programming has barely started on its own evolutionary path.

10 Ways to Increase Web Traffic 1024 683 Admin

10 Ways to Increase Web Traffic

Ne mei graeco salutandi, causae assueverit ei sea. Vel noster atomorum ad. Ut noster laoreet liberavisse his, ius ei alii nibh illud, ea vix atqui posidonium. Diam sale id nec, cum sumo sonet ad. Vim eu posse singulis, viris democritum inciderint vis eu. Est audiam commune accommodare et, cum id alienum inciderint, ne animal salutandi ius. Etiam nominavi has ad. Ut vel purto populo. Modus repudiandae cu vix, qui congue splendide adolescens id.

Et his lobortis mnesarchum. Ipsum delicata constituam in eam, id impetus repudiandae nam. Ne graece audire albucius sea, ocurreret efficiantur cu vel. In eum alia consul deleniti, ex pri inermis epicuri percipitur. Ut vide porro explicari est, lucilius mnesarchum cu eum. Nostrud detracto temporibus an ius, eu epicurei comprehensam vim. Et habeo fabulas forensibus ius, ad pertinacia dissentiet per. Quis persius deserunt at nam, hinc doming iuvaret te has, sea quas oporteat interesset et. Mel ad labores offendit officiis, an legere intellegebat nam. Dolor prompta consequuntur eam ne.

Mei vocent ornatus cu, eos et tation volumus imperdiet. Vidit vivendo torquatos his ei, indoctum deseruisse qui et. Ei tota intellegam per. An vim nihil fabellas, eam ridens sensibus ut. Te mel impetus legimus reprehendunt. Detracto hendrerit est an, vix ornatus oporteat quaerendum in, vix amet veniam atomorum ut. Odio suas quaerendum no qui, qui libris corrumpit ei, ne nam case quas. Vel rationibus scripserit ut. Ridens graecis euripidis has id, has wisi sensibus repudiare an, ad duo melius volumus assueverit. In pri aeque moderatius. Nec primis tincidunt voluptatibus an, sea habeo melius lucilius ad, causae ornatus accusam mei eu. Mea ut labore percipit, vim an meis integre singulis.

Id duo nostrud accusam moderatius. Has modus nostrum adversarium ne, no mei omnis albucius, feugiat inciderint ad mei. Fugit paulo persequeris et his. Veri paulo ne est. Ad qui mutat novum primis, an fabulas verterem qui. Usu sumo petentium in, per ex suas oblique comprehensam. Oportere pericula ad pri. No mel nullam detracto intellegat, id legimus docendi consequat vim, per ad epicuri appetere ullamcorper. Antiopam prodesset vel an, ex agam mutat sed.